Friday, October 29, 2010

Stuff About Taylor

Hey you guys, it's Allie. I'm setting this thing up for this girl that's practically my sister. Everything on her profile is stuff she told me to say. Please help to keep this clean because she is a role model for kids and stuff as part of what she does. Therefore, no cussing on her blog(s) mkay?

I love her to death. She's awesome. She's an amazing friend and a great listener when you're falling completely apart. If y'all were curious cuz u saw that I follow her, I set it up to where she follows Sami and Milky also, and she follows all of my blogs if you're curious.

Be warned: unlike Taylor, I'm nobody's role model. So, my blogs are very blunt and some people may find them mildly offensive. But I don't care. My job is not to make you happy.

Here's a list of questions that Imma have Taylor answer when she calls me back (I answered the same ones on my Bored Blog) and Imma answer the ones I know in bold.

  1. Taylor's natural hair color is : blonde  
  2. Taylor's favorite color is :  lime green  
  3. Taylor's middle name is : Renee 
  4. Taylor wants to be a ( singer ) when she grows up
  5. Taylor plays (    6   ) different instruments
  6. Taylor's favorite flower is :      tiger lillies       
  7. Taylor's favorite gum flavor is :     green apple      
  8. Taylor's favorite school subject is :    biology     
  9. Taylor's eye color is :  blue 
  10. Taylor loves these resteraunts :   Grand Pacific Buffet   ,         Nagasaki          ,      Shogun       
  11. Does Taylor have braces? :  nope 
  12. How many siblings does she have, and what are their names? :  i think only one, and his name is...i can't remember...      Correct answer:   one, and his name is Kierin  
  13. Chicken, beef, or tofu? :   chicken  
  14. Does she have any scars, and if so, where are they? :  the only one I know of is on her arm        Correct answer:   one on my arm, one right above my eyebrow, and two on my back  
  15. Any birthmarks? :         nope        
  16. How many kids does she want, what gender, and what does she want to name them? :   she wants 4 and I can't remember their names cuz she speaks fluent Japanese and I do not.       Correct answer :   2 boys and 2 girls, 2 boys names are Hikaru and Kalru, and the girls names are Misa and Kisa
  17. Would she bungee jump? :   it would not surprise me. She'd be the one who's chord almost broke yet she survived and was then like "LET'S DO IT AGAIN!!"       Correct answer:    yes  
  18. Would she ever run a marathon? :  has she downed anything containing sugar, caffeine, or air?       Correct answer:    if I've had sugar, I'll do anything   
  19. If the president was in the room, would she walk up and introduce herself? :  if the president were in the room, she'd walk up and say "Hi! I'm Taylor! What's your name? ARE YOU GONNA MAKE BISCUITS?!!?!"       Correct answer:    er...what she said   
  20. Chocolate or vanilla? :          chocolate          
  21. Taylor's favorite season is :          spring          

Random facts about Taylor:

  •          I hate people who don't like to talk (it bores me)         
  •          I absolutely love Japanese anime         
  •          Allie is my best friend          
  •          I HATE clowns          
  •          I like shooting staplers when I'm alone in my house          

Random things that scare Taylor:

  •          clowns          
  •          feet          
  •          Barney          
  •          meeting Lady Gaga          
  •          dolls          

Random hidden talents and abilities of Taylor:

  •           I'm extremely flexible          
  •           I can sing          
  •           I write songs          
  •           I can play guitar          
  •           I can play bass, drums, 12 string, harp, flute, and piano          
Okay, Imma fill in the rest when I'm on the phone with her again. Til then, as I always do at the end of my blog entries, here's a picture of something completely random. Enjoy.

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